пятница, 8 января 2010 г.

Writer SMS offers to buy his material for SMS messages destined for your users. $1000000

Prices and quota treaty.

We can put your goods on your site for a fee. Fee to us with each use templates your users.

You buy our quota for the transfer of our SMS-patterns your users. You buy a fixed amount of each of our SMS-template.

Your users to buy SMS - patterns on our site.


We can put SMS templates sections.

You can go to our website and choose yourself what suits you best for your users.

Or suggest other options.

Special offer for mobile operators. Sales quotas for 20 million SMS $1000000

The lexicon of our scripts and plays is «World of Mississippi», where are a lot of pearls for SMS From deep lexicon of our river they scooped and scoop: credo, mottos for trends and brands.

Now the time to buy these precious waters. Buy a lexical particle of our creativity - and you become the leader of world lexical race- for SMS

Continue to fish on our site - but now for a payment: in fact it’s a private segment of "our-lexicon-Mississippi».

Buy phrases and word-combinations, names and retorts for SMS from our plays, scripts, books. Our «Mississippi-lexicon» - on sale.

(Spoken by language of officials: choice from any product of the author Nadezda Petrunina with the right to translate and use in other languages).

Now about the most quivering - about the prices:
5 cents for 1 SMS in Russian.
1 cent for 1 SMS in English

We sell copyrights (COPYRIGHTS) to scenarios, plays, novels, detectives, synopsis, radio radio performance.

We are ready to put things in order with the copyrights.

You can buy from us for the purposes: original words (neologisms), slogans - as the franchise of free use. The prices contractual. Everything, that is laid out by us on the Internet, belongs to us. Any use without the contract arrangement with us is illegal. On any facts of use or «casual coincidence» inform us.

Signing of the contract of sale of the copyright at official office of the American literary agency

We pioneers of all new ideas in animation. 100 % of a know-how. Any secondariness. In case of idea and concept coincidence are ready to prove in the American or European court the priority. To buyers of copyrights we give carte blanche on claims to offenders.

We need, in cooperation with the manufacturers device for reading texts.

Our young company desperately needed at the moment the device for reading texts.
To embed this in a device of its text and audio - content.
Buy and PR product we do not want. We are not profitable.
We have 54 E - text of the goods exhibited in Publicant.

We want to sell your goods to device.
Method of cooperation:
We give its Internet advertising on its product. The price includes your device and commercial shipping.
Get paid order in our online store to your text.
Forwards the order to you. At some conditions.
You send it to the buyer with our content. Or we send your device with our content.

For us it makes no difference who is sending. Shipping is paid by the client.
Everyone benefits - no cost. It is only necessary to format all the texts under the device.
Each manufacturer produces its software to format the text under your device.
You will not be easy.
At the right moment to load one or other content on the device. That's all.

Content we have standing.
Without exaggeration, the best in Russia.
If you have a device for the files: wav.
We can achieve the state order for the printing of broadcasting radio play "The Knight of the silver strings.
We have the associated rights of Television and Radio of Russia. Besides us, no one can release a radio play.
Ether radio play valuable for Russia.

We invite you to cooperate with manufacturers of mobile phones, smart phones, devices, reading texts.

Seeking a partner in the joint production of a new product. Our content Your device: (e book, ibook, ereader). Joint venture or other form of cooperation. We have one of the best kotent in the world. Text, audio and visual. We want to make compatible with device built or a removable chip. And sell it along with your devices through AMAZON. No part of the container in Russian. We translate into English. And to make outside of Russia. Maybe start with Russia. Conditions are discussed.


понедельник, 4 января 2010 г.

Sale of the right of submission of claims in arbitration and judicial bodies of Russia and the World.

To buy up at us the requirement. And on its own behalf to demand from a guilty party the indemnification on the settlement account. For drawings to us of a material damage caused by larceny of our intellectual property. We concede the right of the requirement: in territory of Russia and other countries. Our starting price for the claim on 1 company not less $1 000000 and + 30 % from each won process.We have lost billions dollars because of larceny of our property. These are tens animation films not created by us owing to underfinancing projects. And now we wish to receive the stolen money back with your help. For start from not money animation projects. Us 30 % from a prize will arrange, the rest - yours. The size of submission of the claim should be significant - not less than 5 % from a total cost of the company irrespective of its estimated cost.With a view of protection from the markets.The meeting paid $10000 is translated on from the company Settlement account- the sum does not come back.The name of the company paid - $100000 does not come back. Money to be translated on ours Settlement account. But no more than 1 company per customer. TOP companies involved in larceny of our property Russian and world not less than 10. (Claims to them to submit from hundred up to billion dollars). Let you are not surprised with figures of claims. Steal the most profitable, that then brings milliard profits. For the sake of such profits are ready to go on any crimes. In fact the sums of claims are insignificant in comparison with the received profit.Larceny prospers everywhere:- Cannes festival from our film the Pharaoh - have stolen a luminescence of a mummy.- At the Venetian festival - have stolen name Cleo.Medium and small companies, hundreds. The information is easy for buying.Any exploratory talk. The beginning of work only after receipt of means for our settlement account. The request to not disturb the fine companies.

воскресенье, 3 января 2010 г.


New genre: the mono-play - the mono-scenario. A low budget film.
Accurate composition. Fragments - stage settings on contrast.
Ironic flying remarks, thin psychological nuances.
Sight of the modern princess at a life of a royal court yard of one of the countries of old Europe.
We suggest the spectator to solve a difficult psychological charade
Difference of this mono-play from boring things of the given genre - a smart intrigue, an accurate composition, dynamical development of action, original lexicon (combines modern сленг with the figurative periods).
Despite complexity of a genre, the play does not tyre the spectator. It is constructed so, that contrast fragments alternate.