воскресенье, 3 января 2010 г.

Can directors write scripts or better to make their best in their profession – making films?

The world too overestimates a role of directors and painters. Not too it is a lot of from them depends, as they to themselves attribute: « Film such … ».
If to understand, the role of the director is reduced only to improvement visual of some the product created by a professional scripwriter. The scripwriter has created the world - the director has enriched this world visual . Here and its all function: обогатитель visual - the founder.
Basically with this problem the operator and the artist easily consult. I do not know, for what in a game picture the director is necessary and what for to it to pay money. Its role administrative. It the manager. It to create anything, except for ахинеи, not in a condition though constantly tries. It is called to build only a visual number - and all.
In 3D the director is absolutely not necessary to animation. There it is not required formings visual of some. What foreshortening take film all the same it will turn out effective. Only good history and dialogues is necessary - and film will turn out without the director. In 3D the director is absolutely not necessary, all process the founder of history should operate. But the history should be commercial. Not each playwright or the writer is capable to create commercial history is a property of talent. Not at everyone it is.
In a fiction film if to give the director freedom - it such will pile, that film will not look. And then the director should resort to the hackneyed trick tested by losers on decades, that it ostensibly have not understood. Though it is clear, that it simply untalented person.
The good scripwriter or the playwright several strokes can show that the director could not make. But the playwright or a scripwriter is a professional. It decades increased the skill. And it seems to the director, that it will sit down and will create a masterpiece with summer. Without these decades operating time of craft. It will not create anything. Besides that can, create any beginning author. Namely: the same languid images similar against each other and characters. With poor languid lexicon of heroes (too same).
To the playwright to leave from similar mistakes of beginners, decades of persistent self-improvement are required. At presence of talent. It seems to the director, that it from the first can surpass 20 years experience of the playwright. So does not happen, misters directors. Because of this error all failures and failures of directors. Who will specify their place to directors?
Directors - your business to improve visual instead of writing. At you is not present to literary trash of abilities. Everyone should be engaged in the business. Instead of to climb with the charter in an another's monastery.
However, directors climb behind money - as well as all. So in a basis of all - fight for money. Success to you, friends.

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