пятница, 8 января 2010 г.

We sell copyrights (COPYRIGHTS) to scenarios, plays, novels, detectives, synopsis, radio radio performance.

We are ready to put things in order with the copyrights.

You can buy from us for the purposes: original words (neologisms), slogans - as the franchise of free use. The prices contractual. Everything, that is laid out by us on the Internet, belongs to us. Any use without the contract arrangement with us is illegal. On any facts of use or «casual coincidence» inform us.

Signing of the contract of sale of the copyright at official office of the American literary agency

We pioneers of all new ideas in animation. 100 % of a know-how. Any secondariness. In case of idea and concept coincidence are ready to prove in the American or European court the priority. To buyers of copyrights we give carte blanche on claims to offenders.

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